We understand startups!

The long hours, the motivation and energy required to see your idea come to fruition. We also understand how important it is to get things sorted from the outset. That's where we can help. With a background in business model and culture design, brand and design strategy, and over 20 years in creative and digital recruitment and HR, we can ensure you get off to a flying start, right from the get go!


the Maven pack

The Maven Package will ensure that you, your employees and your business are aligned with clear goals and strategy to aid effective business decisions, support pragmatic business activities and growth.

Together we will create a defined plan, help your goals become a reality and be your independent sounding board.

The package can include:

  1. Full Day: Branding/ Design Strategy Workshop
  2. Lean Canvas Business Modelling
  3. Corporate Design and Brand Development
  4. Web/Online Landing Page
  5. Strategic Planning - Culture Design 
  6. Exclusive Talent sourcing with flexible payment packages.
  7. *Bonus extras.